
Articles on Coding and Architecture

Certifications – Do they really matter?

Certifications are good for most. But they are expensive and not always needed. Should programmers get it? We explore the subject in depth. Read More.

Logging levels demystified

A complete insight into various levels of logging- TRACE DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR. When to use each level of logging is also described in detail. Read More.

Arquillian and Wildfly: Integration test tutorial

Arquillian is a testing platform for JavaEE applications. This tutorial creates an Arquillian test and executes it on the Wildfly container. Read More.

Is your code DRY or WET?

Don’t Repeat Yourself(DRY) is a software development principle, the aim of which is to reduce repetition of information. We explore further. Read More.

How Builder Pattern simplifies object creation

Builder pattern simplifies object creation. We highlight all you need to know about it using code samples and how it compares to constructors Read More.

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